Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Icing on the Cake

This week we have an exclusive peek inside the creative minds behind three brilliant DFW-based catering companies. Owners of Creme de la Creme, Sugar Bee Sweets, and Leah's Sweet Treats took the time to sit down with us to share their insight and inspiration as some of the absolute best and acclaimed pastry chefs in the south.

Crème de la Crème
6511 E Lancaster Ave
Fort Worth, TX 76112

What cakes or pastries are the most popular? I really specialize in custom wedding cakes and grooms cakes. Our traditional white cake is our most popular flavor of cake, but I like to pair it with fun filling flavors. A white cake with blackberry and cream cheese is one of our most popular. We also have an almond cake with a black cherry and chocolate ganache or a chocolate truffle cake with peanut butter and banana mouse. YUMMY!
What types of cakes are the most challenging and why? The most challenging cakes are always the ones that we haven't done yet. These are usually the cut and carved groom's cakes. This is why they are traditionally more expensive. We get one try! Plus, we have to scale all the math to spec. Typically it's just all of the time and detailing out the cakes that is the hardest thing. We did a cut carved 3-D TRUE to size saddle last year, it actually sat on a real saddle stand! It was crazy detailed and very challenging to put together.
Which do you enjoy making the most? I truly love meeting with our brides, designing everything out and just seeing everything come to life within a few short days. That's one reason that we have several meetings with our brides, so there is no second guessing the week of! The design and execution are always the best part!
Why do you love what you do?As far as inspiration goes, it's everywhere! Wedding dresses, pintrest, the web, fashion magazines, furniture magazines.. Anything goes!

-Jamie Holder

 Sugar Bee Sweets
2410 W Abram St  Arlington, TX 76013

What cakes or pastries are the most popular? Our Peach Amaretto wedding cake & Red Velvet grooms cake are our 2 most popular flavors. As far as other pastries, couples just can't resist adding our brownies & pies to their wedding dessert tables.
Which do you enjoy making the most? I still love making cakes the most....what you can do with them is limitless. It's why I started designing and decorating cakes.
What types of cakes are the most challenging and why? I would have to say grooms cakes. A groom's cake can be ANYTHING and it's fun to try and figure out how to make his vision come to life in the cake...while trying to make as much of the cake edible as's a challenge!
What is your personal favorite flavor of icing or combo? I love anything with cream cheese frosting....we make a banana jam for one of our bridal cake flavors and then we mix it with our cream cheese! It makes me want a big glass of milk:)
Do you have a specialty? Our specialty flavor would definitely be our banana jam for design, I would say each design is special because we customize it for each bride & her wedding:)
Why do you love what you do? I love what I do because it is challenging and keeps me on my toes! Seven years ago when this business began I never dreamt that it would be what it is today and it is the most humbling & satisfying "job" I've ever had.

-Heidi Allison
Leah’s Sweet Treats
4910 Camp Bowie Blvd
Fort Worth, TX 76107

What cakes or pastries are the most popular at your studio? We have over 70 flavors of cupcakes, so it’s hard to pick a most “popular” since they are always in constant rotation! Pink Champagne is definitely a best seller though. It has a deliciously sweet champagne-y (new word!) base, but the real kicker is the texture! The carbonation from the pink champagne makes the cake super fluffy and soft. People go crazy over it! Mexican Hot Chocolate, Brown Sugar Buttermilk, and Cookies & Cream are also top sellers.

Which kind/type/flavor do you enjoy making the most? I love coming up with new flavors! I keep telling myself that I am not going to add anymore, but I am constantly inspired. I also like to make the ones that are my personal favorites... Can you say snack time!? My personal favorites are: Sugar Cookie, Key Lime Blueberry, and Raspberry Lemon Swirl. We also have a signature “Sprinkle Cake” that I love making. It is a confetti cake, frosted in buttercream, and completely covered in sprinkles. Every time I see those sprinkles it makes me smile! I’ve never met a color I didn’t like... If I could cover everything I OWN in rainbow sprinkles, I totally would.

What types of cakes are the most challenging to create and why? Typically the most challenging cakes are either replicas or themes that I have no connection or reference point. Replicas can be tough because every cake artist has different techniques/styles. If we are reproducing a cake where the original artist has a totally different approach, it can take a while to even figure out how they accomplished the design. I tend to excel at girly, funky whimsical cakes. “Boy” cakes such as monster trucks, or zombies can throw me for a loop, just because I know nothing about them!

What is your personal favorite flavor of icing and cake combo? When it comes to a cake, my favorite is a chocolate chip cake, chocolate buttercream, and fresh strawberry filling. It’s the perfect combo of white, chocolate, and fresh fruit!

Do you have a specialty? Design wise I definitely have a knack for whimsical, colorful, fun designs. I actually prefer when the client gives me a theme and lets me “run with it”. I don’t like to have too many restrictions because a lot of times I make it up as I go. You can come up with a design in your head or on paper that doesn’t translate at all when you start decorating. Flavor wise I think my specialty is just the fact that there are SO many flavors!

Why do you love what you do? I love what I do because there has always been something inside of me that absolutely thrives on creativity and uniqueness. I knew if I wanted to be truly happy I would have to do something where I was able to be creative every day. I also LOVE doing things for other people/making other people happy. There is no joy quite like when someone comes to pick up their cakes and you can see that smile from ear to ear. Our cakes are always a part of someone’s “celebration”, and that is so special to me. I love being a part of people’s most memorable days!!

What kind of music do you listen to while baking? We listen to all kinds of music here! I personally love the cheesy pop music. Somedays when you’re running low on the caffeine music is the only thing to keep you going! I loooove me some Britney! Anything with a great beat that makes you want to dance is perfect for baking up a storm!!

-Leah Cichocki

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